Please do correct me if anything is wrong below ...

Caress the Gun

* Hast du was dagegen, wenn ich dich so wild liebe, dass dir dein Name erst wieder einfällt, wenn ich ihn dir ins Ohr schreie? = I want to make love to you with such passion, that the only reason why you remember your own name is because I will be screaming it in your ear.

Could We Start Again, Please?

* Da scheißt doch der Hund ins Feuerzeug! = The dog shits in the lighter. (Expression of utter astonishment, not very common.)

Protecting Secrets

* Gott segne Sie = God bless you

** Schwester? Möchten Sie etwas bestellen, Schwester? = Sister? Do you want to order, Sister?

Major Butterfly

* Stur wie ein Panzer = Stubborn as a tank

Waiting for the Hammer

* Quatsch mit Soße = Rubbish with sauce (roughly "utter balderdash")

general expressions

Ja = Yes

Was = What

Mein Gott = My God

Dieb = Thief

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